Welcome to our new Pantyhose Community! Join us now!
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Community rules, info, e.t.c.
- Site Admin
- Posts: 17
- Joined: 11 Jan 2025, 10:01
by Alex »
I. Requirements:
- You must be at least 18 years old to join the Community;
- You can post (upload) your personal photos and videos only.
II. It's prohibited
- Nude content (pics or vids) of under 18 persons;
- Spam, flood, advertising;
- Violation of copyright when posting photos, videos, text materials;
- Photos or videos that are not related to the nylon fetish;
- Political discussions.
III. Other:
- [IMG] BBCode is OFF (do not ask why);
- Reviews, suggestions, questions post here;
- Please report posts that violate the rules (icon with "!"). Thanks!